It was so effective, that the film never saw its completion. There is this 4 minute trailer, which is where the trail ends....
She spoke out against Hitler.
For that, they made her a hero.
She spoke up for Palestine.
For that, they silenced her.
You have probably never heard of Dorothy Thompson. Yet in her day, she was the most sought after of speakers, the most famous female journalist in the world. Then she visited Palestine in 1945. Originally doing so, to support the idea of the Jew - so ravaged in Europe during the war - moving enmasse into a place that was being called ‘A land without a people, for a people without a land’.
That was the slogan anyway, but it wasn’t what the maverick journalist witnessed when she arrived.. There were people in Palestine..
Dorothy spoke up.
As a ‘female journalist’ myself, liking to imagine myself as courageous in my own reporting, Ms. Thompson’s courage and honesty fascinated me. Yet, for all of my diligent investigative journalism,.. I learned about Dorothy Thompson 24 hours ago.
Somehow they scrubbed her from the ledgers so completely - that all of the ferreting of truth that this diligent author/rsearcher has performed for decades,.. never turned up a Dorothy Thompson. Not until a chance encounter yesterday.. with a book on Amazon called ‘Against our Better Judgment’, by Alison Wier. (I bought the book, and am waiting for it to arrive.)
I already don’t remember how I first heard about Weir’s book,. but heard I did - and I looked it up on Amazon; (One way I decide if I want to read a book or not, is by reading the comments. I LOVE reading comments, you can learn the most remarkable things that way. ) One reader1 highly recommended Wier’s book, writing a lengthy report on it right there on Amazon, and mentioning this at the very end of his long comment..
“Weir's very informative short penultimate chapter,"Zionist Influence in the Media," is almost worth the price of the book.
Her concluding chapter, which is even shorter but just as powerful, is an example of that influence wielded in the nastiest sort of way. It is about the destruction of the career of the famous journalist Dorothy Thompson, one of the earliest critics of Nazi Germany. Thompson had also been an early supporter of Zionism until she went to Palestine and reported honestly on what she saw. ‘That was it for her.’”
This sort of thing ought to send chills down the spine of any Bible believing Christian. The Godly do not behave like Israel’s government does, nor do they enjoy the support of the carnal nations and leaders - the way Israel does. There is a very sinister support network, that broaches no debate, hides facts, flags falsely, and destroys people who contradict them. In a word, they hate truth and do everything in their considerable power to suppress it.
It is unfathomable to this writer how anyone who knows the Scriptures, can look at the unflagging support of Israel by a godless sychophantic Western media, and the US government from way back, - to where every bomb Israel drops (and they drop plenty of them), is made in the USA - and think that this is God sanctioned.
The story of Zionism and its artificial creation of 'Israel’ patterned off of what God will one day do Himself, is one that has all the earmarks of the Great Deceiver. The ‘pastors’ who support Zionism unflaggingly, men like John Hagee, sell a lot of books, and even fill large churches with followers, but as I recently pointed out → to some Christians who had Hagee’s books in their store,.. (they were shocked when I told them I did not believe Hagee was a Christian, saying to me - “..But he has a huge church in Texas’… - → “the Lord did say - ‘WIDE is the Gate that leads to destruction.’
I don’t care HOW many world leaders, state Senators, bank presidents, media monliths, and vast congregations support Israel. If anything - their vast support points them out as having the favor of the god of this world who will give it out in sizable chunks to those who will fall down and worship him.
RIP Dorothy Thompson
POST SCRIBO: Just found this page with biographical information about Ms. Thompson; I’m pleased to see she was also born in New York, and also attended Syracuse University. I’m sure I would have loved meeting her. I hope that day will come, so I can shake her hand.
2 of the commentors wrote so informatively and interestingly about Alison Wier’s book, and about the subject of Zionism, that I posted an entire article here yesterday, (November 28th) that was entirely one writer’s comment.