May 29Liked by VJCBingham

Saskatchewan let my 95 year mother-in-law die on a gurney from shock after a fall which broke her hip in 2 places! We were 2100 miles away. She had been super strong. This was the forerunner of maid. I couldn’t understand why they didn’t administer the common emergency care that would have been standard in the USA at the time. Now we know!!!

This woman is inspiring. Where are the other young Canadians?

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Dear Katheryn.. I'm so horribly sorry to learn of how your mother passed and that you were not there. What a terrible human tragedy. We are living in seriously devilish times! I send you my heartfelt condolences with the shared thanks that. We will all be reunited one day in a world where these Sob's will be not even a distant memory.

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I'm so sorry about your mother-in-law! Poor sweetheart 🙌 but AT LEAST NOW she's in the ALMIGHTY PRESENCE of God Almighty Father of Heaven and Earth! She has No More Tears and is in the presence of God!

My pinned tweet has a Guidebook that includes Hospital Killing Protocols, Medical Directives, and more. Maybe it could help your family and protect you.

I am a retired anesthesiologist and know full well what happens. It's not pretty. Here's what I wrote about 6 months ago:

LWhile Dr. Zivot never received any donations, I looked him up to find his background was that of a lethal injection expert. And as I looked through his portfolio, I found an interview that is of interest on autopsies of those who died at the hands of a lethal injection - whether it was in a prison Death Penalty floor, or in the local hospital as part of the Hospital Killing Protocols."


I would love to keep talking about this - IT WILL SHAKE YOU UP!

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Yes, My mother- in-law is definitely in God’s presence now. A godly woman who sacrificed to help build the church. The experience was really shocking. The representative from her care home kept repeating that her death was part of the circle of life. This was a woman my mIL had trained and treated like a daughter. The photos on the walls of the small hospital showed legions of white-capped smiling nurses and also proud doctors. All gone now, and what has been left in its place? A killing field.

My sister is a pharmacist with a post doc, and she views the current events as a major spiritual war. She will visit in a few months , and she says we will talk. I’ll print out your guidebook for her. She has other pharmacists on board.

I will read your guidebook, what a kind gift to us!

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May 29Liked by VJCBingham

How horrible!

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May 29Liked by VJCBingham

😳 It occurred to me (after posting of course) that I was really blessed that my MI in 2/22 did not happen in that land 🍁 The cause, a blood clot, is responsible for strokes and widow-makers alike. Reportedly, I was 2 minutes from severing the silver cord, blood O2 also 2%. 2-2-2! They did as needed. After three nights and two days of being watched, while unconscious, every minute of each day and cared for by a dedicated nurse for ~3600 mins. straight..THEN another five days upstairs being looked after by a team of giving and caring ministers. 😊 I walked the floor every day in relative peace and quiet. Seven days in total.

The exact same scenario and symptoms in the northland would have allowed that precious 2 mins and 2% to expire 🌬️ 🛌 Let the harvest begin! 👁️👁️🧠🫀🫁

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That's amazing how well you were taken care of.! Is that not how it always should be..

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Oh my!!

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May 29Liked by VJCBingham

Thank you for posting this video.

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Truth be said, the next level will be death by “ altering memory and thoughts “.

Unexplained behavioral death


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May 29Liked by VJCBingham

Thank you for sharing. IMO, a step toward their goal is to cause people to want it, and value it, just like they did with the (ar en ay) therapy (from the rapists). The depth of evil here is ALMOST unimaginable. Thankfully, there will come a day this nation will join its big brother in destruction. It is written that it will be desolated, forever. It is written.

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UBD?.. Is that already implemented? I've never heard of it..Do you have a link?

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How awful! And completely horrifying…

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