HE GOT THE MIDDLE EAST FLAGS RIGHT, BUT FOR THE WRONG REASON - I did not know that Steve Cioccolanti was a zionist. I will correct his false prophesies here. Listen carefully - It's about America:
A friend sent this video to me..
I used to respect Steve Cioccolanti. He destroyed that. I had no idea he was also taken in by - or a paid troll for - the zionist/satanic cabal.
For starters, there is no research material/translation/ or data I could find that supported his statement that 'Earth' is a synonym for 'Israel'., 'Eretz'/ Hebrew/ English or otherwise. In fact, ‘Eretz’ may be translated ‘earth’ or it may be translated to its synonym ‘land’. Same synonyms as in English. There are phrases, the ‘Land of Israel’, but to claim that the ‘land of Israel’ also means THE ‘Earth’, is a non sequitur.
So as his connection between the red horse of Revelation 6, and the opening of the 2nd Seal, with the ‘invasion of Israel’ last year, is also a stretch. In fact, MOST of what he alleges in this talk (video above) is a stretch. What Ciccolanti does in this talk was build up speculative claims; Then have you believe each subsequent claim based on your credulity that the previous claim was substantiated. That is not an honest representation of Scriptural interpretation.
OCTOBER 7th - What he missed entirely in talking about the October 7th 'invasion', is that Israel planned it herself. In keeping with the Mossad credo - 'By deceit thou shalt make war'..
Israel planned the entire thing with the goal in mind of doing exactly what they did and are still doing - slaughtering men women and children to steal land that is NOT theirs and will never be.. because they are NOT Israel.
They even killed Israeli citizens in order to build the narrative, just like they did in Europe in the 1930’s and WWII, and have done many times since.
Zionists don't mind killing Israeli's because they are NOT ISRAEL - See Solomon's wisdom for that one (I Kings 3:25) where the whore was only too happy to kill the baby - because it was not hers.
HAMAS - Israel formed Hamas 20 years ago to compete with the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) with the goal in mind (as always) to DIVIDE the Palestinians and DEFEAT their efforts to hold onto their homes and their land. Israel finances and directs Hamas’s activities to this day.
Cioccolanti suggests the RED horse represents blood (most likely) and possibly communism or Marxism, but he overlooks that both Communism and Marxism are the off-spring of zionism. Karl Marx was Jewish, and communism was founded by zionists. The murderous butchers in Russia, known as Bolscheviks, were all Jewish. Which is why they targeted Russian Christians with murderous zeal.
The entire plan to destroy Russia, is the same basis as zionists plan to destroy America.. (But I’m getting ahead of myself)..I’'ll get to that in a minute.
So when Cioccolanti talks about the SWORD being an ‘Arab symbol’..yes, it may very well be true. But when he gets into the colors of the Arab (and Persian) flags, he misapplies the threat.. making the red/white/green/black flagged nations as the aggressors.
Let me explain..
Ciccolanti pointed out the interesting fact that the 4 horses of the apocalypse have the flag colors of Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Palestine- I.e.. RED, WHITE, BLACK and GREEN.
A very good point, but he got the conclusion backwards.
These are the very nations that the USA has either bombed directly (Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait) or invaded by proxy, (Palestine, Syria, Iran) Now, not 2 weeks in office, and Donald Trump is working hard on trumping up a case to attack Iran. (Where we had only ever deposed her president (1953) and replaced him with a brutal dictator (Shah Reza Pahvlavi), now we are looking at invading the enormous country).
OK.. Truth be told, Trump's playing it cool.. suggesting he'd like to make nice with the Persian kingdom; But the cards are already out on the table, with talk of sanctions, and other 'strong measures'.. The News prostitutes have already spouted the claims that Iran is behind the (fake) Trump assassination attempts..
(You’re being groomed people.. when you hear it in the news.. before it has happened.. like a ‘volcano in Yellowstone’.. or ‘Iran might assassinate Donald Trump because of killing Qasem Soleimani, (bombing his car just before he got out of office’.).. you’re being led to think it’s possible, so that when it happens, even though it was planned ahead of time, it seems to you to be organic, or factual.
In FACT, we don’t even know if Soleimani was even in the car.. Iran is also run by masons and OWG puppets. Have you seen their parliament building? or former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s hand signals?
All of the world leaders, at the time of the End, fit into the Psalm 2 catechisms.
Right into his first week in office, Trump is also threatening Iran’s ‘total annihilation’ should anything happen to him.. (a Samson Option that sound’s very Israelish). Which event.. could easily be the case- 'Epstein style'. The plan may just be to make it look like Trump is assassinated and BAM.. we have our 'justification to destroy Iran' at the behest of........drumroll... Israel.
Boy, the template never changes and it’s getting too easy to guess.
So where do the dead people like Epstein and Trump and others go?.. They have their private cities. I assure you. The elites don’t let you see much of the world for a reason..
But Steve Cioccolanti wants you to think God appointed Donald Trump to ‘save America’.. and, as Pastor Steve puts it, if you don’t believe his interpretations of Scripture - you ‘don’t love Jesus’.. (no kidding). Another non sequitur..
God did NOT appoint Donald Trump to save America because - God does not use devils to do His work, just like God did NOT use Baron Rothschild to ‘gather his people Israel’.. (which he did by hook and by crook). GOD when the time comes POST ARMAGEDDON will gather his own people Himself.. thank you very much. JUST like the Records detail! (I’ll post on that soon)
And Donald Trump is NO POLLYANNA, or ELIJAH, or GEORGE WASHINGTON. Rather, he has a sordid history that reflects his true persona, and did not put his hand on the Bible during his inauguration, because he concealing his conversion to Judaism in 2017. (They are forbidden to swear on a Bible)
God did not appoint anyone to ‘save America’ because His Word has prophesied that America is to be destroyed. She has steadfastly refused to repent for her crimes against humanity - which warnings have come through true prophets for years and which crimes against humanity continue unabated.
(The only time God gave Israel a 2nd chance after her ultimate captivity in Babylon, was when Nehemiah and Daniel prayed.. who said not a word about ‘guilty Babylon’,.. decrying ONLY the crimes of their own people.. which people for a time, turned from their wicked ways.
Warnings to America, on the other hand, have been ignored by the mainstream churches, which are forbidden to speak of these things due to their 501c3 shackles, and which prefer the pew filling - feel good - what’s in it for me - prosperity gospel anyway.
What crimes?
National crimes include worldwide slaughter by sorcery (pharma drugs/ and vaccines →which Mr Trump wholeheartedly sanctions) and the abominable crimes of our military industrial complex in which fortunes are built in America for our worldwide non-stop-bombing campaigns. Of which Gaza is only the latest.
The US and London bankers (and Saudis and Israelis) make astronomical fortunes from lending money and munitions to destroy countries, and then calling in the debts. (as Ukraine just found out - After all the BILLIONS we sent to her since 2022.. we are now claiming ownership of her rich fields and resources if she can’t make good on the loans. THEN we loan to the nations all over again to REBUILD what we helped to destroy.
BTW - Israel makes a fortune manufacturing weapons systems, and selling them as ‘field tested’.
Question: How do you field test a weapons system? Answer: On Palestinians..
And Christians think God approves of this activity?
Why DO you think Jesus waxed violent with the bankers in His Father’s house?
America’s Biblical name - reflecting how heaven sees us - is found in Jeremiah 50:23 and it tells the whole story.. The USA is called 'the hammer of the whole Earth'. An exquisitely precise metaphor for bombing.
How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken!
how is Babylon become a desolation among the nations!
The Bible says the United States is slated for total destruction.
The timeline of our destruction is given in Revelation 16:19 and 18:5 when Babylon (the USA) 'comes up on 'remembrance' before God and and He 'opens the full fierceness of His wrath upon her'..
‘And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell:
and great Babylon came in remembrance before God,
to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.’ Revelation 16:19
‘For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.’ (Revelation 18:5)
Friend, reader, even opponent,.. can you begin to see why I am so outraged with these liars? These ‘ministers’ like Jonathan Con who is trumpeting Trumps ‘return’ like it is Elijah.. and Cioccolanti, and Hagee, and Sheetz, and Huckabee, with their influence and platforms, could have been a Daniel, or Nehemiah, or David.. confessing the sins of the nation, bringing us to our knees to jointly pray for a turning away from our wickedness.. and then God would have ‘turned from the evil He intends to administer with his ‘FULL FIERCENESS of WRATH”… But No. Instead, we are being coddled with more ladling of white plaster,
‘Because, even because they have seduced My people, saying, “Peace,” and there was no peace, and one built up a wall, and lo, others daubed it with untempered mortar, (white plaster)
and a covering of our sins.. which the verse says of:
‘He that covereth his sins shall not prosper:
but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.’ Proverbs 28:13
Instead of these men ‘representing God’ telling American the truth, and leading her to confess her sins, we are hearing about the HARM biden did to America, and the LIBERALS.. and the LBGTQ crowds.. IT’s never about America’s collective crimes.
Thus American will receive no mercy from God.
When does is America’s destruction to happen according to the Bible?
At the pouring of the 7th vial, the United States will be destroyed..
And - according to Revelation 18 - and her destruction will come in 'one hour'.
David Wilkerson, a true prophet, saw this in his visions 50 years ago, weeping, and warning the nation., but nothing has turned the Church in America from her love for 'wealth transfers' and 'prosperity', essentially stopping her ears to anything remotely resembling repentance.
Both Israel and Donald Trump are plotting to destroy the United States. THAT FACT IS IN the Bible.
Do you want to know WHY Israel wants to destroy the United States? and why they’re so happy to have planted their Trojan horse?..
For the same reason Israel - using Bolschevik butchers tried to destroy Russia - killing upwards of 100,000,000 Christians in the process..
It is the same reason satan tried to destroy the Christ child..
Because the SCRIPTURES teach the destruction of Israel will come from ‘Babylon’., (the USA) and from the ‘NORTH’. Which is also why Europe has been targeted too, This is why the refugees from Israeli directed national assaults have been sent pouring into the NORTHERN nations of Norway, Sweden, France, Germany, and Denmark.. from the Israeli targeted nations of Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Iraq!
The VERY NATIONS that Israel has directed the destruction of.. thus designed to drive their people NORTH to destroy the NORTH countries, which are Biblically prophesied as the place where the destruction of Jerusalem is to come.
And to destroy BABYLON the nation that is Biblically the destroyer of Israel..
The luciferians know the Bible better than Christians.. (who think Babylon is Iraq! Because they dont’ know how to read the Bible. They don’t know that the end is told from the beginning. And that the original Babylon was DESTROYED. It no longer exists in the middle east..)
But in the mirror of time, a SPIRITUAL Babylon rose up, which came to life when Revelation 18:1 came to pass.. a place FULL of devils.. Not as Cioccolianti suggests.. and Dutch Sheetz, and so many other false prophets and teachers.. The United States has been from its beginnings.. TERRIBLE.. We ravaged the inhabitants of this land.. and have exported death for the last 100 years..
And anyone thought this was ‘GREATNESS to return to?”
The problem with too many Americans is they equate ‘Greatness’.. with money. Money money money. A good economy.. It’s the economy stupid.. As ‘pastors’ TD Jakes and Michael Freeman who can only read a bit of Scripture to their salivating congregation - such as - ‘Money is a defense’..- lifted from the complete verse in Ecclesiastes 7:12
For wisdom is a defence,
and money is a defence:
but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.
Somehow these ministers never mention that the verse clearly prefers wisdom to money, because it gives LIFE to them that have it. and their happy congregations never check it.
But supposing to give Biblical authority to their money ministries- by cherry picking words - chopping out the salient part of the verse.. is dishonest handling of the Word of God. But it manages to fool the saints who don’t ‘go back and see if these things are so’.
So here is it with Cioccolanti. Steve reads the prophesies. But before he makes the claim that God told him Trump was here to save America, he needs to check the voice, and see if it reflects what the Scriptures have to say about the USA.
He needs to Read Jeremiah 50 & 51 - about the USA
And REVELATION 18 -about the USA.
The end of the story is that we are going to harvest the seeds of destruction that we sown in the Middle East.
That right there could explain the colors of the Middle East Flags and the opening of the seals.
He may have gotten that right. In fact, the flag of Iran has black, white, green and Red. Maybe the rest of the beleaguered Middle Eastern nations will join them. He may be onto something there.
American bombs, and sanctions, and proxy armies have ravaged LIBYA.. SYRIA.. PALESTINE.. AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, Steve may just be right, but have it all backwards.
The Sword may be due to arrive HERE - from these places.
Those were all the countries that have been assaulted for generations now by the USA and ISRAEL.. And for that reason, the Bible says we are going to get 'as good as we've given'.. and when the dust settles, we will look like what Gaza looks like now. a graveyard.. and uninhabitable. What zionist president Trump call without pathos, 'a total demolition'.
Yes, the man who talked about the carnage like a real estate salesman, not a statesman, the man who did NOT put his hand on the Bible to swear in as POTUS, because Jews don't do that, him, that had no mercy at all in describing Gaza..
Trump is a liar; a butcher, a pedophile, and the man satan hand picked to destroy the USA. He is starting off his 4 year reign of terror by pushing a war with Iran on us. Iran.. a nation 4 times the size of Iraq, and a friend of Russia's.
Yes.. the Sword is coming. But it's coming to America. And the man that Steve Cioccolanti is approving, is going to facilitate that, with his synagogue of satan pals in Israel.
Yes. Do read your Bibles. See if THESE things are not so. Then go back and listen to the Scripture twisting that Steve attempted to justify God's approval for the USA, Donald Trump and Israel> the synagogue of satan. Then draw your own conclusions.
What should YOU DO, in light of these Prophesies concerning America?
WE ARE SAVED FROM THE WRATH TO COME. (Romans 5:9, I Thess 5:9)
And pray that like Paul, in II Thessalonians 1:11, that God counts you worthy of His calling up on high, and that you are drawn - like Enoch - and Elijah - before us, up into Heaven to escape the hell on earth to come.
‘And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awaken out of sleep; for now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed.’ Romans 13:11
Godspeed, and MARANATHA,
I so hope for grace though undeserved. Until fate plays out I will celebrate the goodness and beauty that is within so many people here and throughout the world. Not doubting your discernment and insights. Just confessing the status of my heart.