In July of this year, a friend of mine was held up at gun point in her store in upstate NY. Thankfully no one was hurt, and the robbers were arrested; But my friend is a Christian, who is understood to be under the umbrella of the protection of God. So, I wondered at the incident, until the Lord himself showed me the cause during a visit to her store, a few weeks later. When I understood I wrote her this letter:
Dear Laura,
Peace and grace to you in the name of Jesus Christ,
Visiting your shop the other day, I saw something that answered a question that had lingered since your robbery, ‘Why were you targeted’? - With the understanding, that spiritually speaking, nothing happens in a vacuum, I sought for a reason for that incident. The Scriptures teach there is always a reason for sickness or for harm. ‘The curse comes not without cause’ (Proverbs 26:2)
I found the answer that day. In your store you have an occultic symbol on display, that represents death and destruction. The symbol is on the T-Shirt in your shop, promoting support for Ukraine. It’s called a Tryzub.
There are 2 things to understand about this symbol.
#1 Only the devil and his followers promote symbols. It’s an ignorant world that unwittingly cooperates.
#2 There is no ‘graphic (pictoral) symbolism’, in Christianity.
Background - The Tryzub means ‘3 teeth’. (три - 3 зуба - teeth) If you will continue to read, you’ll learn how horrible the reference is, and its relationship to Nazism.
Most Americans are unaware of the history of the satanic cult in Ukraine, Nazism. Ukraine has very strong roots of Nazism. During the second world war Ukrainian civilians and partisans worked with Nazi Germany, serving as death camp guards in Ukraine. The Germans didn’t have to lift a finger in Ukraine to kill Poles and Jews. Ukrainians did it for them. In fact, Ukraine just printed a stamp glorifying Stephan Bandera, the chief murderer of Poles in Ukraine, during WWII. This is Nationalism..
Patriotism is the appreciation for one’s country - no matter your own ethnicity. Nationalism on the other hand, holds that your 'nationality’ is superior to all others.
Nationalism is fueled by 3 S’s - Songs, Slogans and Symbols.
German Nazis had a slogan ‘Deutscheland Uber Alles’. They also coined a phrase ‘untermensch’- [low lives]. The Ukrainian Nazis slogan is ‘Slava Ukraine’ or ‘Glory to Ukraine’, and they refer to Russians as ‘genetic garbage’. Nationalism is what prompted the conflict in Eastern Europe, years ago; not a Russian invasion.
Nationalism promotes the idea to its own, that other races are inferior and may be eliminated. All things considered, the rampant Nazi symbolism in Eastern Ukraine, offers sufficient proof that Ukrainian nationalism is alive and well now.
The ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Russians in Ukraine began in 2014 following the arrival of Amerian agents - Victoria Nuland, John Kerry, Joe Biden, John McCain, Natalie Jaresko et al, who brought along 5,000,000,000 US taxpayer dollars - to fuel regime change there. After deposing president, Yanukovych, and positioning vassal presidents Yatsenko, Poroshenko, and finally Zelensky, Kiev, began a deadly apartheid of Russians living in Ukraine., that went unreported in the West.
The afflicted Russian areas in the east sought to cede from Ukraine, (following the example of Crimea) In response Kiev sent the army and started bombing. Russian civilian murders in Ukraine were totally glossed over by the West that is busy portraying Ukraine as the ‘victim’ of a Russian invasion, encouraging the barbarism that continues to fuel the conflict.
The fact remains, the murders of Russians by Ukrainians started 8 years before Putin finally acted; and only after 8 years of warnings that he would act, if the Minsk Agreements (protecting Russians in Ukraine) continued to be ignored by Kiev.
To this day Ukrainians flaunt Nazi symbolism and slogans. This is a recent photo of Ukrainians marching with a symbol laden banner which reads -“For Ukraine, Fight to the Death’, and depicts Nazi soldiers. The lion symbol in the center is from the ‘Galicia Battalion’, a Ukrainian paramilitary nationalist group, styled after the German “SS’ Storm troopers.
In WWII Ukrainians actually fought with the German SS divisions during Hitler’s invasion of Russia. Their leader and role model was Stephan Bandera, a Ukrainian ‘nationalist’, who styled his own partisan group after the Nazis. Bandera was a vigorous murderer of any ethnic population in the Ukraine (Jewish, Russian, Polish) that was not Ukrainian.
Stephan Bandera is a National hero in Ukraine to this day. His photo is everywhere.
Stephan Bandera served with Himmler’s 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS - 1st Galician Fighters. Here is a Wikipedia description of this Ukrainian fascist group:
The 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) was a World War II German military formation made up predominantly of military volunteers with a Ukrainian ethnic background from the area of Galicia.
The Galician Ukrainian Nazi division’s Group Name is shown (above) in German and Ukrainian. The symbol is a lion and crowns - as seen in the modern crowd below of Ukrainian youth.
There is a saying that ‘War brings out the best in people, and the worst in people’. I would say that war unveils what is already in people. The Tryzub - the symbol on the T-shirt in your shop, is not just a ghastly reminder of Ukrainian atrocities perpetrated in WWII on Poles, Rumanians, Jews, Russians, and Hungarians, that defy belief. What is shocking is how Ukrainians can still today unabashedly display the symbol.
The Tryzub is an old symbol in Ukrainian history. It is a favored as a symbol for its resemblance to a Ukrainian pitchfork. What is the significance of a pitchfork? The pitchfork was a weapon used by Ukrainian civilians and partisans in WWII, to kill men, women, and children in a brutal fashion, impaling them on its ‘teeth’.
Stepan Bandera’s Ukrainian Nationalist followers employed a special “esthetic of ethnic killing”. InWWII Ukrainian Nazis would kill an entire family, including children, and pets, IN FRONT OF EACH OTHER - by spearing them with their 3 toothed pitchfork and flinging them up into the air or over a fence. (This same thing was done to Belarussian’s during death marches in WWII. German Nazis would bayonet a baby right out of its mother’s arms, and fling the living child into the forest in front of its parents).
The difference between the German Nazis of the 1930s and the Ukrainian Nazis of today, is the former are frowned upon while the latter.. somehow.. are celebrated. What is additionally shocking is how their continuing taste for atrocious methods of killing people are glossed over by a media bent on painting them as victims of an invasion – rather than perpetrators bringing judgment down upon their heads.
NOTE: From a Polish Internet Forum:
‘The pro-business government of Donald Tusk (Polish president of European Council) is clearly downplaying the war-time massacre of 100,000 or so Poles in a Ukrainian genocidal frenzy. Possibly 5 times as many Poles were brutally slaughtered [by Ukrainians] as compared with 22,000 "mercifully" killed with a bullet to the head in the Katyń Forest Massacre and other sites.
Ukrainians decapitated Poles, impaled their heads on wooden poles, burnt them alive, threw babies down wells and engaged in medieval torture…’
Here is a Wikipedia clip from an article about the massacres at Volynui
The massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia were carried out in German-occupied Poland by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, or the UPA, with the support of parts of the local Ukrainian population against the Polish minority in Ukraine in Volhynia, Eastern Galicia, parts of Polesia and Lublin region - 1943 to 45.
Most of the victims were women and children. Many of the Polish victims regardless of age or gender were tortured before being killed; Some of the methods included rape, dismemberment or immolation, among others. The UPA's actions resulted in between 50,000 and 100,000 deaths.
Massacres of Polish Children by Ukrainian Nationalists.
The photo shows a monument in Poland to the murdered children. More information on this subject is available on the internet. One link is below:
‘To people who have lost their loved ones in various massacres -- Katyń, Wołń, Naliboki or whatever -- these matters have yet to be cleared up. A Pole accused of living in the past once replied by saying: History has long been our only true homeland. BTW my grandfather's family was burnt alive in their cottage in the Wołyń massacre -- anyone trying to flee the blazing building got bludgeoned or stabbed to death by blood-thirsty ‘Rezuny’. (Polish word taken from the Ukrainian word meaning ‘butchers – assassins’)
‘Saw some gruesome pictures, as well as heard some eye witness testimony about the crimes these Ukrainian barbarians commited on Poles today on the news. Pregnant women's stomachs ripped open, cats and other rubbish thrown in, ears and noses torn off, force fed to friends/family, etc... Disgusting, absolutely disgusting’.
‘And to think that most of these crimes were committed not by actual soldiers, but by these peoples neighbors. Family men who had lived by these people all their lives in peace, and who came home after a whole day of murdering, with no sense of guilt. Now they build monuments for these animals..’.
The TRYZUB symbol (Below left) at a Nazi assembly painted on a monument.
Laura, You will never find this type of Nationalism or Fascism in Christian Russia.
In Russia they do not write songs about ‘painting our houses with the blood of Ukrainians’, as are written in Ukraine about Russians.
No one in Russia parades about crying ‘Glory to Russia’ as the Ukrainian nationalists shout ‘Glory to Ukraine!’ [Slava Ukraine] And if you think about it, what Christian would give the glory belonging to God alone, to any nation on earth?
Its church notwithstanding, Ukraine is not a Christian nation. Their practice of perpetrating the hatred of – not just Russian – but other nationalities in their midst is in direct violation to the 1st Commandment of God that - ‘We are to ‘LOVE God with all our heart soul mind and strength AND to ‘LOVE our neighbor as ourselves’.
Moses called Israel to ‘TAKE CARE of the stranger in your midst, since you were a stranger in Egypt’. THIS Ukraine has not done, and is not doing.
The Lord said ‘The man who hates his brother is a murderer’. The hatred Ukraine holds for others has no place in the body of Christ. They are even now in judgement. You will see the nation fall apart in the months to come. It is a certainty.
Symbolism is not only important to Ukrainians, and to Nazis, but to the followers of satan. The world today is rife with examples of satanic symbolism. Tattoos, children’s clothing, jewelry, t-shirts, and most certainly the banners and uniforms of nationalists.
It is critical to understand is that ‘symbols’ were never used by the Lord, they are not suggested, ever, in Scripture, and are NOT to be used by the Church of Jesus Christ.
There is NO Symbolism in Christianity.
Even the cross is nowhere suggested in Scripture to be worn as a ‘symbol’. Why not? Among other things, the cross is a symbol of the Lord’s torture and death. He is no longer ON the cross – HE IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD – which is what our salvation is based upon. (*Romans 10: 9 & 10)
Is it any wonder then, that the cross is a favored symbol in Satanism. It happens to be a repeating icon in Celine Dion’s luciferian line of clothing for children. (Photos below).
The darkness of Dion’s product line is difficult to look at. You can see her lineup of skulls, crosses, goat heads, and more on the internet if you wish to. Though remember the admonition of the Psalmist - we shall not ‘lead evil before our eyes’. (Psalm 101:3) THIS is precisely why symbolism is so favored by Satanists.. The many types of dark symbols of our day, seen everywhere in tattoos, clothing, and media - are as a constant evil in our eyes.
One overlooked satanic symbol is the ubiquitous ‘mask’ worn by people all over the world. It is a symbol on display for all to see - of the weakness of the Church of God - whose people share the fears of the world (Isaiah 8:12).
Laura, most likely you thought Ukrainians were Christians. If they were, there is no evidence of a Christ like love for their fellow man. They have for generations disobeyed Moses directive to ‘take care of the stranger in your midst, as you were a stranger in Egypt’.. and the Lord’s commandment to ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’.. also to ‘Forgive, or my Father in heaven will not forgive you’.
THIS is an eternal judgment, and Ukraine and Ukrainians are clearly under judgment at this time. Though this is true also for Latvians, Estonians, Romanians, who refuse to welcome their Slavic brothers from Russia, into their fold, and forget WWII.
You cannot teach hate, and love Jesus. The Lord said, the man who hates is a murderer and no murderer has eternal life in him.
JOHN 13 - By THIS YE SHALL KNOW the followers of Christ – by their LOVE one for the other. Not by their love for themselves, or their praise for their ‘nation’ and for their ‘nationalism’. Ask yourself, does the fomenting of Ukrainian national pride, and ethnic cleansing sound like a saint’s behavior to you?
As I mentioned at the start of this letter, the TRIZUB symbol is satanic which is why its presence in your store put a curse there, and you suffered the trauma of a robbery. The thing is, the symbol is also putting a curse upon Ukraine. They are paying a very heavy price in deaths, and the destruction of their country, for their refusal to forgive - and live in peace with the people in their midst.
To her credit, my friend read this letter, and removed the cursed symbol from her store.
Wow , great article.I had read other articles on Ukraine of the “serpent Jews”? The false Jews? Much to Learn thanks!