chief among the prophets of baal.. JONATHAN CON. Accordingly, he did hint at the disaster baal is set to perform in the USA in 2024.
I am going to set this wildly popular -best selling book, The Harbinger, by Jonathan Cahn, in contrast with a very imporant - yet little known Christian book that contains true prophesies, is faithful to Scripture, and has critical points for the Church of God in Christ Jesus.
Yet you have probably never heard of the book. It is no longer available to buy anywhere, and its author has been scrubbed from internet searches.
But first - I bring to you the occult book - the Harbinger.
Written in 2011, the Harbinger Book, has been heralded by Christians as a ‘feat of prophesy’..
Written a decade AFTER 911, the book did not predict 911 (which would have possibly made it prophetic) It ‘interpreted it’ - in a highly predictable - and highly profitable way.
Purporting to be a “Christian Book’, in addition to a number of extrabiblical claims, the author (Cahn) concludes his writings in a final chapter by discussing ‘salvation’, and ‘how to be saved’..all the while lying through his teeth.
I first bought the book years ago, and began to read it, though it did not draw me in - so I shelved it. Then recently, while doing a series on the occult - I was led to pick it up again. Reading ‘The Harbinger’again recently, with fresh perspective, I marveled at the adroit use of ‘storytelling’ to sell an ostensible ‘prophesy’ (not to mention a fabulous number of books, even becoming even a NY Times best selling author..) I slogged through the chapters and came to Cahn’s explanation of salvation.. and my mouth fell open. THIS was the reason for the book, and for the holy spirit drawing me to read it.
Cahn explained salvation as only a new age religionist , or a spiritist, (or the kabbalust that he is) could have…
.. Neatly exorcising from the instructions, any role played by Jesus Christ.
Cahn explained salvation as only a new age religionist , or a spiritist could have. Neatly exorcising from the instructions, any role played by Jesus Christ.
Like the well-paid crisis actors from the Charleston SC church shooting,.. ‘It’s all about LOVE LOVE LOVE”. No Biblical reference to ‘salvation’ was anywhere to be found.
What did Cahn in his book, claim the instructions for being born again are?
‘So, how does one become saved?’
“You cannot see the kingdom of God unless you are born again.’ Those are HIS words.”
“And how does one become born again?”
“By receiving… by letting go… by letting the old life end and a new one begin. By choosing… by opening your heart to recieve that which is beyond containing - the presence… the mercy.. the forgiveness.. the cleansing.. the unending [LOVE] of God.” [emphasis mine]
“By receiving what exactly?”
“The gift, freely given and freely received, and yet so great a gift that you treasure it above life itself.. so great a gift that it changes everything else.”
“And the gift is…”
“If God is LOVE, and LOVE is a gift, then the Giver and the Gift are one.”
“Then the gift is God?”
“Salvation comes in the giving of His life and is complete in the receiving of His life. Think of a bride and a bridegroom.”
“A bride and a bridegroom?”
“The bridegroom gives everything he has for the bride, even his life. The bride must do likewise. He calls her. If she says yes, everything he has becomes hers, and everything she has becomes his. Her burdens become his burdens, her sins become his sins.”
“Her sins become his sins.”
She leaves her old life behind for a new one, to go with her beloved. Whereever he goes, she goes with him, and wherever she dwells, he never leaves her. He loves her with all his being, as she loves him. The one lives for the other, and the other for the one. The two become as one.”
“So the bridegroom is…”’
“And the bride is..
“The one who receives him.”
“Sounds beautiful,” I said.
“It is beautiful.. the most beautiful thing you couuld possibly find or ever know or ever have in your days on earth.”
“It’s a love story.”
Maybe, but it’s not in the Bible.
How many errors are in this last chapter.. how shall I count the ways.
First, the bride is Christ’s. Not God’s.
Then the way to salvation is not through ‘receiving God’.. or ‘receiving love’.. but by confessing God’s only begotten son, ‘Jesus Christ as LORD’, and believing ‘GOD has raised him from the dead.’
The bride of Christ has sins.. ? Really? And now Christ does..?! And Christians buy this rot?
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.’ Romans 10:9 & 10
The many troubling aspects to the ‘narrative’ are very subtle, as occultic things are - hidden in the verbiage. VIZ:
Cahn says ‘You must be born again ‘HE SAYS”. Who says? (He did not say.) Yet be aware that it IS available to be ‘born again of the seed of the serpent’.
How does one do that? Cahn’s instructions are… an ‘opening of one’s heart’, and ‘turning from darkness to the light’.
I don’t get it? What’s wrong with that?
Well, besides that it is NOT the Biblical path to salvation, ‘receiving’, and ‘opening’ and ‘turning’ are WORKS. It is what YOU would DO.
We do not get saved by what we do. No matter how ‘good’ it sounds. We can NEVER be good enough, or ‘open wide enough’, or ‘turn far enough’.
Salvation is a CONFESSION of the savior from sin, Jesus Christ - which Cahn deftly erases from his description of ‘how to be born again’.
Salvation is a CONFESSION of the savior from sin, Jesus Christ -
which truth Cahn deftly erases from his description of ‘how to be born again’.
Additionally.. going ‘to the light’ to get saved is Spiritualism.
You can read through the whole book, and figure out finally that Cahn NEVER calls Jesus ‘The Christ’.
Using the name ‘Jesus’ means nothing. The Pharisees called him ‘Jesus’. Jesus is him- ‘despised’, ‘rejected of men’, ‘crucified’, still hanging on their ‘crosses’.. even in the ‘churches’. Check the Gospels carefully. His disciples did not call him ‘Jesus’. They called him ‘LORD’.
Cahn doesn’t identify who ‘HE’ is, that wants you born again. He deftly evades any Biblical reference to Christ Jesus being the ONLY way to Salvation. AND the only way to God!
“I am the way and the truth and the life and NO ONE comes to the father but by me.”
How do Christians miss this?
IN fact, Cahn never identifies GOD either. There ARE 2 Gods. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ - and the god of this world who is Cahn’s ‘god’, and satan. As you will see in a minute:
‘Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ?
He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son.’ I John 2:22
Jonathan Cahn is a liar. And an occultist. Which means he is following satan and would lead men to him to be ‘born again’.
As beautiful as it sounds, ‘turning to the light’ is an occult expression.
It is NOT FOUND in the Bible. Save for the fact that satan, as an ‘angel of light’, still garbs himself in light - deceiving even the elect - using ‘light’ to draw men to himself.
Cahn busies the whole chapter with a soliloqy of lovely sounding prose, offering definitions of his own for things like ‘hell’ (infinite separation from God); the 'soul’, he claims, is ‘eternal’.. (i.e.. ‘Ye shall NOT surely die’).
God is the ‘infinite presence’, the ‘infinite love’, the ‘infinite One’. ..all paving the way for the falsified instructions for salvation - receiving Love.
But why write the book? You mean, instead of for glory or greenbacks? Cahn appears to be some kind of ‘prophet of baal’, with the same purpose as a prophet of God - in reverse, or rather - as a copy.
What GOD Almighty does, satan copies. GOD has His prophets, and so does the devil. GOD has His salvation - and so does baal.
The devil is still seeking to be worshipped, just as he tried in the ‘garden’, and in the ‘temptation’. His modus is still to ‘simulate’ the God he passionately envies. So he sends his ‘prophets’ to ‘draw men to HIS salvation’ and to ‘tell men ‘the future’.
Cahn has repeatedly attempted to ‘tell men the future’ in his ‘faux Christian books.
In Deuteronomy Moses pointed out the way for God’s people to distinguish between a prophet of God and a prophet of baal. Moses taught that if the thing the man prophesied always came to pass, he was a true prophet of God. If the thing the man prophesied did NOT come to pass, that was a prophet of satan.
For GOD alone knows the future. satan does not. He only knows what he hopes to do. Though his purposes may be, and often are, spoiled.
Here is where Cahn shows himself to be a prophet of baal. He says in the Harbinger - that “Seven years is the biblical period of time that concerns a nation’s financial and economic realms.” At the time, Cahn was referring to something that was supposed to happen in 2015. Nothing happened.
As Michael Heiser put it in his well thought out analysis of Cahn’s writings, in March of 2015, ‘If anything happens during The Shemitah (September 2015), it’s not because of God and a connection to Isaiah 9:10, it’s because the Freemasons who control this world are pushing the buttons and they are making things happen (in cycles of 7 as it’s a ‘magic’ number) for their own purposes to further the progress of a New World Order.”
“Here is Christine Lagarde from the IMF who tells us that the Illuminati are also very interested in the number 7 and cycles of 7”. (from Heisner’s post)
Jonathan Cahn is using these Harbinger and Shemitah fables to catch millions of unsuspecting Christians into thinking that it’s God’s timing and God’s hand at work, when in fact it’s Satan’s timing, and Satan’s hand at work.”
The Mystery of the Shemitah, which went to its second printing the day it was released, builds on the concepts and theories Jonathan Cahn first presented in The Harbinger, particularly those in the chapter also titled “The Mystery of the Shemitah.”
The author’s theory is that God has visited warnings and / or judgment against the United States according to a seven-year cycle going back many decades.
From Michael Heiser’s tremendous 2012 piece - The Harbinger: Ode to Biblical Illiteracy
Here’s where it gets interesting. I believe that satan is lining his plans up with the actual judgments of God, passed by GOD on America - in 2017. Another way of looking at it, is as with Job, or Babylon and Israel - that God is using satan as a rod of correction against the United States.
It was GOD who set the Eclipse in the sky in 2017. The eclipse was a darkening over the USA - whose moment of totality coincided with sundown in Jerusalem' - a precision event only God could orchestrate.
Furthermore He scheduled the Eclipse to take place EXACTLY 40 DAYS (forty is the Biblical NUMBER of judgment) before The Biblical DAY of JUDGMENT- ‘The Day of Atonement!’
The NEXT eclipse (darkening of the sky over the USA) came SEVEN YEARS LATER. (2024)
The spacing of the years, while hijacked by the kabbalists - may be understood by the Biblical - 7 years of Plenty of Genesis 41, - followed by the 7 years of Blasting of the East Wind, as Joseph prophesied to Pharaoh would follow.
THAT was God’s doing, and 2024 is a MIRROR of the events in Pharaoh’s day - according to Isaiah 46:10 -
‘Declaring the end from the beginning,
and from ancient times the things that are not yet done,
saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.’
In other words, I believe that it is of GOD that the USA is entering into a 2nd set of 7 years, that will be a ‘flood’ of trouble for the country.
And though Jonathan Cahn and other luciferians like Christine Lagarde, refer to ‘7 year financial bookends’, he called the dates wrong - because Cahn is NOT a prophet of God.
In fact, here is Cahn identifying his god as the ‘god of this world’, who the Bible says is satan.
If you needed any additional proof, besides his intentionally misleading instructions for salvation, his ‘alternative’ definitions for the soul, his ‘adding to the Word of God’, and ‘subtracting from the Word of God’, and his mis-calling the 7 years judgment of God on America, here is Jonathan displaying masonic hand positions used through time by masons and illuminati alike:
Then in this amazing video - Cahn calls ‘Golgatha’ the ‘place of the skull’ - where our Lord was crucified as: ‘The Center of Everything’….
Here he calls ‘Golgatha’ the Light of God..’
‘The light of the ancient one that comes from Golgotha…’ [unquote] Where on earth does he get this drivel from??
Not the Scriptures anyway.
And don’t forget that ‘light’ is a spiritist /occultist code word for ‘lucifer’.
The Skull.. is the ‘radiance of god’? Now you know what god he serves. He just told you, and it is not the God and Father of our lord Jesus Christ. (see this video in this post)
You know friend, I read Cahn’s book ‘The Harbinger’ through - about a month ago for the first time, and was appalled at its feel of a juvenile ‘Red Book of Fairy Tales’ - like those I read in my youth.
And - while I was initially shocked when I came to his elimination of Jesus Christ from the ‘way to salvation’ - the shock dissipated momentarily, by noting the book’s popularity, and its huge following among the ‘Christian masses’, which is the earmark of the ‘wide gate’ of Matthew 7:13. (It’s a shame nonetheless that so many Christians, and ministries even - pay this man’s trite abuse of Scripture any mind).
Tonight, I believe the Lord led me to write about Cahn, for 2 reasons -
1) Because in this ever darkening time frame, the occult and its invitations to participate, have exploded around us.
2) Because Cahn’s prediction - while off by 9 years, of a ‘period of 7 years of trouble’ (he claimed would be in 2015), is about to begin this year - 2024.
Like I said before - satan knows his plans - he just doesn’t know when he’ll succeed.
Day by day by day, the Lord is reminding me that it is THIS year that Joseph’s 2nd set of 7 years is set to begin. And to implore His Church to:
GET THE BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT - THE KEY TO WALKING WITH THE LORD (Which Cahn never breathes a word about in any of his kabbalist books.)
Tonight as I was writing this post, I turned to the internet to glean imagery and information - and discovered a powerful article by Michael Heisner, on Jonathan Cahn and his kabbalist occult writings. I’ll wrap this by quoting Heisner:
In all Jonathan Cahn’s “prophecies” and “mysteries”, I have heard nothing about repentance, holiness, purity, righteousness, justice, denying self, and many other good and honorable things that are required in preaching the true gospel.
Read Heisner’s Bible based post HERE
In his excellent article about Cahn, Michael Heiser quoted Galatians 3:1..
(which verse is also a clue to the VERY IMPORTANT Christian book that satan and his servants have scrubbed from existence. I bought it 20 years ago, or I’d never have had a copy to read recently - again - as I did).
“You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Galatians 3:1
Cahn’s book is popular for the same reason this other book is virtually invisible…
‘Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.’ Matthew 7:13
BTW: Heiser’s excellent article is here: BLOOD MOONS, SHEMITAHS, AND FEASTS
Yours in Christ Jesus, our soon returning Lord,
Victoria Jean Christine Bingham
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:24 (NIV)